Bhagvad Gita - The need for today | Shrimad Bhagvad Gita | Shri Krishna |

In todays world, where people are running behind money forgetting everything including moral values, relationships, commitments and most importantly Spirituality, something that needs to be highlighted is the essence of Shrimad Bhagvad Gita. It is the book that can change one's entire perspective of looking at life and help us to lead a better life. So, what is Bhagvad Gita? Bhagvad Gita is the conversation between a conused soul like us, ie- Jeevatama ij the form of Arjuna with Parmaatma (bhagvaan, the ultimate truth) in the form of bhagvaan Shri Krishna. It was just before the grand war of Mahabharat, that Arjun was feeling depressed seeing his entire family ready for war. He didn't want to fight the war against his own family memebers and was also ready to leave the path of dharma ( righteousness) if it costed the decline of his emtire clan. Sensing Arjuna's resentment, bhagwaan Shri Krishna enlightened with divine knowledge dharma and life and also showed Arjuna the div...